Happening NOW at your local Associated Scaffolding: one of the most popular gloves on the market, the AGT MaxiFlex, is on sale this month for just $3.95 a pair!  Help prevent and treat illnesses with a new Heat Stress Kit for only $29.99.  Add a set of 4 outriggers with casters to your MetalTech Baker scaffold for $139.00.  Make sure you have the right fall protection anchor for steel beams with the Werner beam clamp, now just $172.00. Keep safe on the job with all of these specials and more.  Contact your local account rep or store for more information.

Visit your nearest location to pick up these great specials and see why we are your safety store for life. Click here to see what other promotions you can find at your local Associated Scaffolding.
gloves, fall protection, scaffolding, first aid heat stress
gloves, fall protection, scaffolding, first aid heat stress

The Leader in Rental, Sales, Installation & Service Since 1947
